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General Data Protection Regulations

The GDPR came into effect as of 25th May 2018, requires personal data to be processed in a manner that ensures its security. This must include protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage. The GDPR introduces the ‘right of access’ for individuals, data subjects will have the right to request:

  • the reasons why their data is being processed;
  • the description of the personal data concerning them;
  • anyone who has received or will receive their personal data; and
  • details of the origin of their data if it was not collected from them.

A Subject Access Request (SAR) is a request for personal information that the Parish Council may hold about an individual. If an individual wishes to exercise their subject access right, the request must be made in writing. The purpose of a SAR is to make individuals aware of and allow them to verify the lawfulness of processing of their personal data. Under the GDPR and the current Data Protection Act (DPA), individuals have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether personal data is being processed. As our Data Protection Officer, Jayne Cole has overall responsibility for the day-today implementation of this policy. If you need to contact Jayne Cole please dial 07419295390 or email Jayne.cole@gmx.com.

All of the latest Red Lodge Parish Council Data Protection policies can be found  below.