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Dates for Public Meetings of Red Lodge Parish Council 2024/25

Meetings will take place at St. Christopher's Church, Boundary Road, Red Lodge. IP28 8JQ  and will commence at 7:00pm.

30/01/2024; 26/03/2024; 07/05/2024 (APM); 28/05/2024 (AM); 25/06/2024; 30/07/2024; 24/09/2024; 26/11/2024.; 28/01/2025 and 25/03/2025.



Meetings of West Suffolk Council will be held as follows.   All meetings are at 6.00 pm (unless otherwise stated) and are held at the District Offices, College Heath Road, Mildenhall


At all Council and Committee meetings, except the Planning Committee, members of the public may, at the beginning of the meeting, make a statement or ask a question of not more than three minutes duration relating to items on the public part of the agenda only.  

At meetings of the Planning Committee, if a member of the public has made comments in writing on a planning application and the application is to be reported to Committee for decision, they will receive notification of the relevant date and be invited to speak at the meeting if they wish.

Click on the year folders below to see the agendas and minutes of previous meetings